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   Consistent with the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan (NDRRM Plan), the Department of the Interior and Local Government Region 3 as Vice-Chair on Disaster Preparedness, in coordination with the Office of Civil Defense R3, convened the lead agencies in charge of the said DRRM Priority Area.


   The Department of the Interior and Local Government Region 3 as chair of the Regional Poverty Reduction Action Team (RPRAT) of Central Luzon conducted the 2nd RPRAT meeting last Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at DILG Region 3 Conference Room to prepare and plan for the validation of the LPRAPs to be submitted by the LPRATs of the 52 focused cities and municipalities of the region.  This meeting was aimed to address issues and concerns of the Local Poverty Reduction Action Teams (LPRATs) towards the finalization of their respective Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAPs).


   The City of San Fernando once again, was hailed as the Regional Winner in the Component City Category of the 2012 Local Legislative Award (LLA).  The award was presented by DILG Regional Director Florida M. Dijan, assisted by DILG Pampanga Provincial Director Myrvi M. Fabia during the city’s Monday Flag Raising Ceremony on February 11, 2013 at Plaza de Arrozal, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.


PD Yen3