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     DILG Region 3 initiated the conduct of a One-Day Consultation Workshop on Mainstreaming Basic Sectors in Local Governance and Bottom-Up Process in Planning and Budgeting on May 16, 2013 at Max’s Restaurant, Olongapo-Gapan Road, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.  

     Generally, the activity was aimed to foster stronger alliance among LGUs and basic sectors in the pursuit of pro-poor programs and promotion of inclusive economic growth and development.  The specific objective was to enable the participants to come up with respective provincial plan on mainstreaming basic sectors in local governance and BUB with the appreciation on the relevance of the process relative to the Department’s mandate of LGU capacity development.

      DILG  R-3 engaged in a Two-Day Workshop on the Crafting of its Operations Manual for the Local Governance Regional Resource Center (LGRRC) on May 8-9, 2013 at DILG Regional Conference Room, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.  It was participated in by the LGRRC-3 Regional Team and Provincial and City Focal Persons of 7 provinces and 2 Highly Urbanized Cities in the region.  


The Technical Working Group (TWG) for the LGU Database Establishment Project held its first official meeting last April 19, 2013 with the representatives from the DILG-3 regional, provincial and city field offices at the Conference Room of DILG RO3 in Maimpis, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

Under the guidance and leadership of the designated TWG Chairman Abraham A. Pascua, Ph.D., CESO III, OIC-Assistant Regional Director of DILG Region 3, the TWG convened to discuss and finalize the LGU Profile template as well as come-up with the Project framework.

In his message, ARD Pascua talked about the significance of the project and the important role of everyone present in the meeting on the given tasks.

Background on the Logical Framework Approach was briefly presented prior to the crafting of the Project Framework.


PD Yen3