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As a proponent of Disaster Risk Reduction Management, the DILG Regional Office 3 participated in the 2012 1st Quarter National Earthquake Drill last March 15, 2012 to ensure preparedness in responding to a strong earthquake and to assess the evacuation and response plan of this office. 

The National Earthquake Drill was conducted simultaneously in selected schools, establishments, government and non-government offices in other parts of the country which had volunteered to participate. This is part of the continuing implementation of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council’s (NDRRMC) Four Point Plan of Action on Disaster Preparedness particularly on public information, education and communication as well as preparedness for response.  The nationwide Earthquake Drill is being conducted quarterly since 2006. 

As a preliminary activity, this Office conducted an orientation-briefing on Earthquake Preparedness among its personnel last March 8, 2012 in coordination with the Office of the Civil Defense - Region 3.

At exactly 10:30am of March 15, 2012, the alarm rang and signaled the start of the Earthquake Drill.  Immediately all DILG Regional Office 3 employees together with other guests and visitors performed the standard procedure of “duck, cover and hold” during earthquake occurrence.  After a minute of “shaking”, everyone went out and proceeded to the Evacuation Assembly Area in front of the building in an orderly manner using the most accessible exits as directed in the floor and exit plan that was designated per room.  A headcount was made to ensure that everyone is accounted for and no one is missing based on employee’s attendance and visitor’s logbook.

Said activity was led by DILG 3 Regional Director Florida M. Dijan thru the Monitoring and Evaluation Division headed by OIC-MED Chief Lerrie S. Hernandez who is also the Regional DRRM Focal Person.

The Department of the Interior and Local Government in Region 3, in collaboration with the Bureau of Local Government Finance, conducted an Orientation on Revenue Codification on March 12, 2012 at the DILG Conference Room, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.  This activity was aimed to provide the participants, the DILG Cluster Leaders and Field Officers, with a walkthrough conceptual experience on the preparation/updating of a Local Revenue Code (LRC) as well as to share with them knowledge on Codification of LGUs tax policies.   

During the activity, DILG Assistant Regional Director Jonathan Paul M. Leusen, Jr. stressed the importance of creating and updating the LRC in every Local Government Unit. He urged the utmost participation of Field Officers in the implementation of the program as it will create self-reliant and financially capable LGUs.  Further he added that a sound LRC will aid LGUs in raising more funds for them to lessen their dependence with the IRA issued by the National Government.

BLGF OIC-Regional Director Luningning R. Llanto on the other hand, gave emphasis on the role of the DILG and the BLGF as partners in the implementation of the Revenue Codification. She also pointed out the importance of the LRC as a tool in stimulating growth within the Local Government Units and that the local revenue code is a reflection of the local tax policy of the LGUs.  “ With a carefully crafted LRC, LGUs can look forward to having a landmark legislation than can provide the LGU with means to attain a measure of financial autonomy”, she said.   

An open forum with RD Dijan and RD Llanto ensued in order to clarify participants’ issues and concerns.  Towards the end of the activity, the participants were tasked to create an action plan on the revenue codification for their respective areas of coverage as well as the identification of LGUs in need of intervention in the preparation/ updating of Local Revenue Code.  


The Sanggunian Information System (SIS) was installed by DILG Region 3 SIS focal persons to the municipality of Minalin, Pampanga on February 28-29, 2012.  Minalin Mayor Arturo Naguit through Vice Mayor Arturo Yambao and the Vice Mayors’ League of Pampanga requested the DILG to install the SIS and conduct a briefing on the system as well as on the different programs of the Department. 

 Brief information on SIS was presented by LGOO V Mariel  Estacio and LGOO V Jeffrey Manalastas to SB Secretary Carolina M. Tungol and her three Local Legislative Staff Officers and Employee. In the afternoon, action planning, actual installation and hands-on training of the System was administered. LGOO VI Jose Algy B. Canlas, SIS Provincial Focal Person also attended the activity.

  During the activity, PD Angelina S. Blanco discussed the importance and benefits of the system.  Mayor Naguit, on the other hand, thanked the Department for the support it is continuously extending to the LGU.  He also assured the SIS team that the municipality will maintain the System until it will be completed and made available in order to further improve the delivery of services to their constituents.




PD Yen3