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The Provincial Council for the Protection of Children - Provincial Inter-Agency Monitoring Task Force (PCPC-PIMTF) recently concluded a comprehensive onsite validation of Local Councils for the Protection of Children (LCPCs) and coaching sessions for Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC) in the Province of Bataan.

The activity was conducted from March 18 to April 4, 2024, across the twelve in the province. PIMTF evaluated the CY 2023 performance of the local councils and was assessed based on the criteria set in the DILG MC No. 2021-039 covering four major areas, namely: a) Organizational Sustainability; (b) Policies and Plans for Children; (c) Budget for C/MCPC; and (d) Service Delivery Monitoring and Management for Children.

The assessment revealed both strengths and areas for improvement within the LCPCs. While some councils demonstrated commendable organizational sustainability and efficient service delivery, others faced challenges in budget allocation and utilization, as well as in the formulation and implementation of child-centric policies and plans.

LGOO III Michelle Samson and ADAS II Vangie Rodriguez spearheaded the said activity. Moreover, the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders, including Ms. Ma. Cristina David from PSWDO, Ms. Lucita Dela Peña and Mr. Paulo Dominic Punzalan from the PPDO, Mr. Nico Mangaliman from DepEd and Mr. Edelberto Rolle from ABSNET, as the CSO representative, have been invaluable in ensuring the success of the activity.


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