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At least 100 young volunteers, students and advocates spent a jam-packed weekend for a camp on disaster resiliency entitled "WEmboree" on Feb. 17-18, 2023 at the 1Bataan Command Center in Orani, Bataan.

The said activity, with the theme "Changing Mindset from Me to We," was held to cascade to grassroots, through the younger generation in the communities, that disaster risk reduction (DRR) is everyone's concern.

"Disasters happen when you don't expect it to happen. That is why we don't just respond to disasters, we should also prepare for them," DILG Bataan PD Belina Herman stated, highlighting the importance of youth involvement in the planning and decision-making processes of their respective organizations or localities.

The provincial director also reminded the participants to echo all the learnings they have acquired during the camp in the hope of raising more leaders and champions in nation-building.

The daytime sessions of the two-day activity involved the discussion on the concepts of a disaster; laws related to climate change adaption, mitigation and DRR; social media etiquette and cyber security; DepEd Order No. 37; and the Philippine Youth Development Plan Framework, among others.

Moreover, personnel from the Bataan PDRRMO and PSWDO also imparted knowledge about hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation, appropriate actions during an earthquake, and stress debriefing procedures, through simulation drills. A tour of the Provincial Evacuation Center and the 1Bataan Command Center was also facilitated.

The attendees were likewise actively participating during the nighttime as they performed skits and yells as part of the jamboree, and pledged their commitment beside the ceremonial bonfire.

The camp, which was made possible through the collective efforts of personnel from DILG Region 3, DILG Bataan, Provincial Government of Bataan through the PDRRMO, Bataan Youth Development Office, and Sangguniang Kabataan Provincial Federation, capped off with a boodle fight gamely joined by the participants.


PD Yen3