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DILG -3 Regional Director Florida Dijan participated in the organizational meeting of the Regional Development Council 3 (RDC) Pampanga River Basin Committee (PRBC) on April 24, 2012 at Holiday Inn, Clarkfield, Pampanga.   

The PRBC is a special committee of RDC 3 which shall primarily take charge of the implementation of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) strategy in the Pampanga River Basin and the premier coordinating body that shall exercise advisory, guidance, education and monitoring functions for the Basin’s management and development. 

Newly installed Regional Director of the National Economic Development Authority 3 Director Severino Santos welcomed the participants while RDC Chairman City of San Fernando Mayor Oscar Rodriguez shared his message. 

NEDA OIC-ARD Victor Ubaldo in his presentation of the PRBC overview mentioned that the committee was approved by RDC through Resolution No. 03-51-2011 on December 13, 2011.  It was created to address the critical environmental issues hounding the Basin and to optimize the economic potentials and the opportunities it offers.  Likewise, the Integrated Water Resources Management as the key approach and strategy of the Study is implementation-ready except at the regional level that prevents it from being cascaded down to the local level. Closing this Institutional gap will result in the reduction of disasters or their adverse effects due to mismanaged water resources and unleash the Basin’s potentials.

The committee is composed of the LCEs of the seven (7) provinces and two (2) HUCs of Region III; heads of NWRB, RBCO and National Power Corporation; Regional Directors of NEDA, DA, DENR, DPWH, DILG; one representative from the NGO sector; and one representative from the private/ business sector. 

Elected officers were Tarlac Governor Victor A. Yap as Chairperson, Bulacan Governor Wilhelmino M. Alvarado-Sy as Co-Chairperson; and NWRB Executive Director Vicente Paragas as Vice Chairperson.  NEDA was elected lead convenor and secretariat.   

Three (3) Technical Working Groups were organized for the Planning/ Localization; Fund Sourcing/Advocacy; and Monitoring and Problem Solving.

A total of thirty-four (34) Local Government Operations Officers II have participated in the weeklong General Orientationof the 47th Batch LGOO Induction Training.  Said activity is the Component I of the Induction Training Program for both newly-hired and incumbent LGOOs II of Region III who are yet to participate in any induction trainings of the Department.

  The activity was held on April 16 to 20, 2012 at the DILG Regional Office III, Maimpis, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.  

   Topics discussed during the orientation include the Philippine Local Government System, Organization of the DILG, DILG Organizational Structure, Strategic Doctrine and Program Outcome, Salient Features of the Local Government Code, Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (RA 6713), CSC Personnel Policies and Standards, Department Merit Selection Plan, Personnel Performance Evaluation System, Supply and Property Management, and Project Development and Management.   

   Director Florida M. Dijan, in her message during the Flag Raising Ceremony on April 16, 2012, congratulated the LGOOs II for qualifying as participants to the Induction Training and posed a challenging remark to make good in the training and finish with flying colors.  She also inspired them that upon completion of the training, they will become new qualifers for higher LGOO positions in the region.  


DILG Region 3 Florida Dijan shares insights and words of guidance during the program evaluation

DILG Region 3 conducted its First Quarter Program Evaluation for Calendar Year 2012 on April 12, 2012 at DILG Regional Office, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

The evaluation was aimed to address issues and concerns encountered by the regional and field offices in terms of DILG program implementation during the first quarter of this year.  It also served a venue for the Regional Management, Provincial Directors, City Directors and Cluster Team Leaders to identify better and more effective mechanisms and strategies on how to improve the field and regional operations in the succeeding quarters.

Highlights of the activity include the presentation of CY 2012 First Quarter Accomplishments by LGOO IV Carren C. Musni, designated Regional Planning Officer, discussion of program updates and deliverables for the second quarter by the Division Chiefs of the Capability Development Division (CDD), Monitoring and Evaluation Division (MED), and Financial and Administrative Division (FAD), and clarification of legal issues concerning LGUs by ARD Jonathan Paul Leusen, Jr. and Regional Legal Officer Myron Cunanan.

Programs, projects and activities discussed included, among others, conduct of 47th Batch Induction Training, LGU Revenue Code Updating, Installation of MDG Tracking System LGPMS,  LGU Webpage Development, CBDRM implementation, LGPMS Data Validation, BGPMS roll-out, SGH assessment, PCF project requirements monitoring, SaLin Tubig beneficiaries, LTIA assessment, BPLS adoption, conduct of a Regional Peace and Order Forum, training and travel policies for local officials and DILG personnel, submission of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN), Clustering strategy of Cluster Team Leaders (CTLs) and Search for Best DILG Regional Director/ Provincial/City Teams.
Towards the end of the activity, a video presentation on the Rebirth of an Eagle was shown.  The video conveyed the analogy of eagles and humans and the need for a rebirth process and transition from one state to another, that without this change, an individual would not grow and become what he is meant to be.  Likewise, an AVP on the principle of TEAM (Together, Everybody Achieves More!) was played depicting the message, “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success”.
In closing, RD Florida M. Dijan, urged everyone to heighten passion for performance and develop stronger camaraderie between and among peers.  She likewise enjoined Field Officers to strengthen local partnerships, the DILG having an oversight function over LGUs.  She is in high hopes in leading an excellent team towards achieving the best performing region.


Regional Information Officer Miriam P. Gaviola while sharing DILG’s role in informing the public, through the LGUs on the readiness and preparation of the government for the North Korea’s rocket launch

DILG-3 Regional Information Officer Miriam P. Gaviola shared the Department’s preparations, in coordination with other government agencies, in anticipation of North Korea’s rocket testing in an interview at CLTV 36’s “So To Speak” hosted by Ms. Sonia Soto, which was aired on April 14, 2012, 7:30 pm.

“So To Speak” is a program of CLTV 36 which tackles current issues that affects the lives of the people of Region III.  It also aims to empower people through information coming from people with knowledge and authority on the current issue at hand.

When asked by host Sonia Sotto on the readiness and preparation of the government, through the DILG in connection with North Korea’s launching of a rocket to send a weather satellite into space, Ms. Gaviola said that an advisory was issued to all DILG provincial and city directors directing them to inform the local chief executives within their jurisdictions regarding the threat of the said rocket testing and the preparations that should be made in case falling debris from the rocket hit their area.  “Ang ating mga Local Government Units ay kailangan ring mag identify ng mga evacuation centers at magkaroon ng food assistance at medical contingency bilang paraan ng paghahanda”, said RIO Gaviola. 

Aside from this, a “no fishing policy” has been declared, particularly in areas where fragments of the rocket were expected to fall.  Also, the department requested the people to stay indoors from April 12 to 16, 2012, the duration of North Korea’s rocket test. 

Other guests during the program are Nigel Lontoc, Assistant Regional Director of the Office of Civil Defense Region III, and Major General Ricardo Banayad, Division Commander, 1st Air Division, Philippine Air Force.


Participants listen to the mechanics of the validation

Center for Health Development Region III, in coordination with DILG Region III, conducted the 2nd round Data Validation of LGU Health Scorecard on April 11-12, 2012 at Century Resort Hotel, Balibago, Angeles City.  The activity was attended by the Provincial Health Officers, Provincial Health Team Leaders, CHD Personnel and LGPMS Regional and Provincial Focal Persons of DILG.

Monitoring and

MED Chief Lerrie Hernandez discusses salient features of the the DOH-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2012-01

Evaluation Division (MED) Chief Lerrie S. Hernandez  presented the salient features of the DOH-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2012-01 dated January 20, 2012.  She gave emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of the LGUs, DOH and DILG.  She also discussed the Implementation Schedule of the LGU Scorecard on Health.

The activity was aimed to ensure the accuracy and validity of the data for the LGU Scorecard on Health for final uploading in the LGPMS website.  LGPMS on-line data culled out from the Health Scorecard will serve as vital inputs in the conduct of LGPMS Utilization of LGUs in Region III slated on April 1 to April 30, 2012.







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