In line with the government's commitment to promoting child-friendly local governance, the DILG Bataan conducted the 2025 Child-Friendly Local Governance Audit (CFLGA) Provincial Orientation on December 5, 2024, via the Zoom platform.
The orientation aimed to familiarize local stakeholders with the updated guidelines and processes of the CFLGA, ensuring the effective evaluation of child-friendly initiatives by LGUs.
The session was attended by City and Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officers, Planning and Development Coordinators, Health Officers or Nutrition Action Officers, DepEd representatives, NGO/CSO representatives, and members of the Provincial Inter-Agency Monitoring Task Force (PIMTF).

LGOO V Ayla Theresa V. Bugay discussed the overview and background of DILG MC 2024-160: CFLGA for All Levels of Local Government, providing an in-depth look at the updated guidelines for the audit. Meanwhile, LGOO V Joanna Marie M. Cruz presented the regional results of the 2024 CFLGA and the implementation schedule for 2025.

A key highlight of the orientation was LGOO V Cruz's discussion on the CFLGA indicators, which form the foundation for evaluating child-friendly governance at the local level. These indicators focus on various aspects such as the provision of basic health and education services, child protection, and the involvement of children in local decision-making processes.

In her message, PD Belina T. Herman, CESO V, emphasized the introduction of CFLGA for provinces and barangays in the upcoming 2025 audit year, highlighting the expanded audit scope as crucial for ensuring that local governance continues to prioritize child welfare and inclusivity at all levels.

DILG Bataan remains steadfast in its commitment to empowering local governments to implement programs that prioritize the welfare of children and align with the national vision for a brighter and more inclusive future for all Filipino children.
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