The Seal of Good Local Governance Sub-Regional Assessment Team conducts validation in the Municipality of Baler, Aurora, on Tuesday, June 20, 2023.
The SGLG, as the Department's flagship program, is the DILG's primary evaluation instrument for assessing the efficiency of LGUs in complying with a variety of national laws and policies that are key to providing quality service to the public prior to the signing of a statute. With the recent implementation of Republic Act No. 11292, also known as the SGLG Act, the program continues with the "All-in" assessment approach, requiring every LGUs to pass all ten (10) governance areas namely: Financial Administration and Sustainability, Disaster Preparedness, Social Protection and Sensitivity, Health Compliance and Responsiveness, Safety, Peace and Order, Environmental Management, Sustainable Education, Business Friendliness and Competitiveness, Tourism Development, Heritage Culture and the Arts and Youth Development.
Republic Act No. 11292 institutionalized the SGLG to further inspire the LGUs to continuously strive towards excellence in local governance.
LGOO VII Dennis A. Daquiz, Cluster Team Leader of DILG Nueva Ecija led the assessment team, together with DILG Aurora SGLG Focal Persons, LGOO V Florenz Zaira B. Buenconsejo, LGOO II Gerald Philip DC. Esteves, and Engr. Sheila B. Perez (CSO Representative from PICE).

SGLG Assessments in Aurora will run from June 20, 2023 up to the second week of July.