With the aim to capacitate Aurora LGU functionaries and BFP Personnel on the adoption and implementation of the requirements on Streamlining of Building Permits and Certificate of Occupancy, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Regional Office III, in partnership the with DILG Aurora, conducted the Training of Local Government Units (LGUs) on the Updated Standards for the Issuance of Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy (BPCO) on June 15 – 16, 2023 at the AMCO Beach Resort, Baler, Aurora.
The activity was participated by Aurora Municipal Building Officials, BFP Fire Marshalls, representatives from the Municipal Treasurer’s Office, Assessor and Zoning Officer, Municipal Local Government Operations Officers, and representatives from the Aurora BFP Provincial Office.
LGOO V Engr. Darryl L. Salvator discussed the Salient features of the Amended Joint Memorandum Circular 2021-01 which provides for the Guidelines in the Processing of Construction-related Permits. This includes the coverage of applications per JMC, setting of standard steps and processing time, use of unified application form, application of one-time assessment/payment and one signatory, promotion of both electronic and physical One-Stop Shop for Construction Permits and the automation of processes.

Architect John Manuel G. Chu, Building Official of the City of San Fernando, Pampanga, on the other hand, presented and discussed comprehensively the Complementary Reforms of the Joint Memorandum Circular and the Building Permit Process Flow and General Tasks in the One-Stop Shop for Construction Permits (OSCP). Ar. Chu also discussed the general tasks of OSCP Personnel and the Input/Output Documents in processing the Building Permit and Certificates of Occupancy at the OSCP.
At the end of Day 1, F/CInsp. Michelle C. Hadjula, Regional Chief, Bureau of Fire Safety Enforcement Division discussed the salient features of the role of the BFP in the amended guidelines in the processing of construction-related permits. She also discussed the process flow for the Issuance of Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) and Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC).
The second day of the activity tackled the LGU Implementing and Monitoring Mechanism as presented by Mr. Ruben Carlos D. Santos.
DICT R3 also introduced the Integrated Business Permits and Licensing System: Building Permit and Certificate of Occupancy to the LGU participants. Mr. Bryan Lawrence T. Asistin, Information Systems Analyst of DICT R3, informed the LGUs on how to avail the iBPLS: BPCO. Mr. He stated that the iBPLS: BPCO is a cloud-based system that enable LGUs and its constituents to process building permits, certificate of occupancy, and other related permits and clearances electronically or online.
With this Aurora LGUs are now gearing up towards the path to a streamline issuance of BPCOs.