


LGSF Utilization Status


A Provincial Consultation on Operations and Data Reporting and Management Systems on  Disaster Risk Reduction Management was conducted last October 15, 2012 at SP Session Hall, Tarlac Capitol as part of PDRRMC activities of the Province of Tarlac.  Said activity was attended by all MDRRMC/CDMRRMC of Tarlac and DILG representatives namely, Ria L. Ramos and Robert C. Diola.

   Barangay Carangian, Tarlac City, conducted its second semester of CY 2012 Barangay Assembly on October 14, 2012, held at Barangay Covered Court, pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 260 and in accordance with Section 397 of the Local Government Code of 1991 or Republic Act 7160.

   The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry [PCCI], the biggest agrupation of business organizations in the country has named the province of Tarlac as winner in their nationwide search for the Most Business Friendly LGU [Local Government Unit].

Provincial Director's Message





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