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RD Florida M. Dijan as she welcomes the participants and gives her message.

RD Florida M. Dijan as she welcomes the participants and gives her message.

   DILG R3, under the stewardship of RD Florida M. Dijan, in partnership with DOST-PAGASA, HLURB3, DENR-MGB3 and OCD3, conducted a Seminar-Workshop on the Formulation Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP) for Olongapo City and the Twelve (12) Component Cities of the region onDecember 10-12, 2013 at the Oxford Hotel, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga.  The activity was participated in by City Planning and Development Officers; City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Officers; City Zoning/Building Officer; City Local Government Operations Officer and the Provincial Health Office and Provincial Agricultural Office of the provinces of Bataan; Bulacan; Nueva Ecija; Pampanga; and Tarlac.

USEC Bimbo Fernandez states the provisions of the LG Code and UDHA Act aimed to give safe, decent and affordable housing to the beneficiaries

USEC Bimbo Fernandez states the provisions of the LG Code and UDHA Act aimed to give safe, decent and affordable housing to the beneficiaries

   DILG Region III in partnership with the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC), facilitates the conduct of Seminar-Workshop on the Development of Local Shelter Plan (LSP) for the LGUs of Bulacan and Pampanga on December 3-9, 2013 at the Royal Hotel, Angeles City.   Participants were different department heads from Doña Remedios Trinidad, Calumpit, from Bulacan&Apalit, Arayat, Magalang, Lubao from Pampanga.


RD Florida M. Dijan warmly welcomes the participants

    DILG Region 3 hosted the Department’s Program Assessment conducted by Finance and Management Service and Planning Service, Central Office on December 2-5, 2013 at Oxford Hotel, Clarkfield, Pampanga.  It was attended by Regional Directors, Bureau Directors, Regional Budget Officers, Regional Accountants, Project Development and Monitoring Unit (PDMU) Heads, and Regional Planning Officers department wide.


PD Yen3

