
PAG-ASA Weather Update



Subic Bay Peninsular Hotel, SBMA – "The earth, the air, the land and the water are not an inheritance from our forefathers but on loan from our children. So we have to hand- over to them at least as it was handed over us," quipped Mr. Ramjay Dizon of DENR- Environmental Management Bureau to inspire the participants during one of the discussions on the Orientation on Drafting, Updating and Implementation of Septage and Sewerage Management Ordinance on August 9, 2016.

In accordance to the Supreme Court Continuing Mandamus, The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (RA 9003), the Clean Water Act of 2004 (RA 9275) and other pertinent key legal provisions, DILG Region 3-Manila Bay Clean-Up Rehabilitation and Preservation Project, in coordination with the Department of Public Works and Highway (DPWH), Department of Health (DOH), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA), commenced the two-week long orientation to all Central Luzon LGUs within the Manila Bay Area to capacitate local functionaries and water service providers on the proper and legally-mandated septage and sewerage management.

Relevant topics that were conveyed to the participants include: Applicable Provisions of the Sanitation Code, Building Code, Basic Design of Septic Tanks, Relevant Provisions of the Clean Water Act of 2004 and a presentation on sample ordinances relative to the enactment of a SSMO.

Speaking to the attendees, DILG R3 Regional Director Florida M. Dijan underscored the power bestowed to each and every member in the group in exacting change towards a more socially protective and environment sensitive regulations.

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