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Olongapo City – City Mayor Rolen C. Paulino administered the sworn statement of the 297 surrenderees during the Pledge of Commitment Ceremony held on Friday, July 15, 2016 at Rizal Triangle, Olongapo City.

The local PNP, led by PSSUPT Jerry T. Sumbad, conducted extensive campaign drive for the surrender of illegal drug pushers and users and giving them the opportunity to change their lives and dispel illegal drugs.
Present during the occasion were city and barangay government officials, Philippine National Police officials and personnel, Church leaders, Muslim leaders, Civil Society Organizations, representatives of media and business sector.
"This activity is for your own good, not just for your family and the community" and "I don't want to call you surrenderees but reformists", were the statements of PSSUPT Sumbad.
"I don't compromise with (illegal) drugs," City Mayor Paulino said during his message."
The activity was in line with Project: "Double Barrel," a PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign Plan to conduct no let up operations against illegal drug personalities, and dismantle syndicates in order to clear all drug affected barangay across the country.

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