
PAG-ASA Weather Update



A Regional Management Meeting headed by RD Florida M. Dijan was held on September 19, 2016 at Capampangan Island, Sindalan, City of San Fernando, Pampanga to provide orientation-briefing and guidance to the DILG provincial and city directors, program managers and cluster team leaders per Province/ HUC regarding the assistance to disadvantaged municipalities program (ADMP) formerly known as Bottom-Up-Budgeting (BUB) program.

A DILG-DBM Joint Memorandum dated September 16, 2016 signed by Secretary Ismael D. Sueno and Budget Secretary Benjamin E. Diokno contains the policies and guidelines for the implementation of ADMP.
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, in his Budget Message to Congress for the Fiscal Year 2017 outlined the role of LGUs as able partners in development. A portion of the budget philosophy states: "Our goal is to strengthen LGUs as able partners in national development. We fulfill this not by giving them additional funds out of political will or favor; we will condition such resources on their implementation of higher good governance standards, improvement of their capacity to generate resources, and strengthening of their ability to deliver basic services."
A total budget amounting to Php 19, 430,560, 495.00 has been included in the national expenditure for the said program.

RDs message

ARDs Message

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