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   The Department of the Interior and Local Government Region III held an orientation course program for the newly – elected Liga ng mga Barangay presidents on January 21-23, 2014 at Subic International Hotel, SBMA, Zambales.  

   The Department of the Interior and Local Government R-III held an Orientation-Workshop on Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) on January 10, 2014 at Red Rickshaw Chinese Restaurant, Sindalan, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.  

   In line with the Department’s mandate given by the Supreme Court to clean, rehabilitate and preserve the Manila Bay and its watershed areas as well as to prevent the proliferation of Informal Settler Families (ISF) and illegal structures along waterways, DILG R-3 conducted a Consultation-Meeting on the Manila Bay Project on January 13, 2013 at the Municipal Hall of Candaba, Pampanga. It was presided over by USEC Francisco “Bimbo” Fernandez, Undersecretary for ISF, Urban Poor and Other Special Concerns.

   The Regional Management Coordinating Committee (RMCC) in Region 3, chaired by Local Government (LG) Sector Regional Director Florida M. Dijan, held its first meeting for CY 2014 last January 28, 2014 at the DILG Regional Office 3, Maimpis, City of San Fernando, Pampanga. It was attended by the heads and other officials from the Bureau of Fire (BFP), Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), Philippine National Police (PNP), Philippine Public Safety College Regional Training School (PPSC-RTS), National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM), and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (LG Sector).

   The highlight of the meeting was the proposed creation of local DRRM Team of the Department.  RMCC members also presented updates on activities undertaken by their respective agency.

   Further, the committee discussed plans for the year such as proposed trainings (i.e. First Aid and Survival trainings) and conduct of fire and earthquake drills for the DILG personnel/officers.

   The RMCC serves as the overall coordinating body for effective organizational and coordinative linkages and integration of policies and programs at the regional level.

22 March 2012

Punong Barangay
Gordon Heights
Olongapo City

Dear PB Madria,

This has reference to your letter seeking legal opinion concerning the four administrative positions you created.

We will address all the issues raised in one discussion as they are interrelated.  The answer on one issue will definitely give clarification as to the legality of the other issues. The issues you have raised are summed up as follows:

  1. Whether or not a Punong Barangay may create positions without the concurrence of an ordinance enacted by the Barangay Sanggunian;
  2. Whether or not the created positions by the Punong Barangay may be abolished lawfully by the actions of the Sanggunian Barangay.

With regard to the first issue, this level would like to point out the powers, duties and functions of a Punong Barangay as expressly pronounced by the Local Government Code specifically section 389. The Punong Barangay as the Local Chief Executive in the Barangay Level has the power and duty to enforce all laws and ordinances which are applicable within the barangay and to promote the general welfare of the barangay. The sangguniang barangay, on the other hand, is the legislative body of the barangay with the Punong Barangay as its presiding officer. As its presiding officer, the Punong Barangay cannot vote on any legislative question except only for the purpose of breaking a tie.  The action of the majority of all the members binds the punong barangay. All that remains for him to do is sign and implement the ordinances. The same rule applies to barangay resolution. (Legal Dessection, DILG, Region XI, Third Edition, p31. Neither can he veto barangay ordinances; the LGC does not confer to him such power.  As such, the Punong Barangay is not empowered to create positions without having conflict with the powers of the sanggunian. The power to legislate in the barangay level is expressly bestowed with the sanggunian. Hence, the creation of a new office is within the powers of the barangay, provided, that the sanggunian barangay must first pass the appropriate ordinance creating such office before the item is therefore incorporated in the annual budget. Therefore, with the above premises considered, a Punong Barangay may not create positions without the concurrence of an ordinance enacted by the Barangay Sanggunian.

Anent the second issue, we opine in the affirmative. The creation of a new position, as already discussed above, is within the authority of the Barangay Sanggunian with the passing of an ordinance sanctioning the same. It is not within the express powers of the Punong Barangay to create a new position in the said Local Government Unit. The creation of such positions without the concurrence of an ordinance by the sanggunian is contrary to the proper interpretation of the law

For SK Chairperson to be removed, a proper complaint must be filed before the Office of the President of the SK Federation of the place where the respondent is.  With respect to the prayer for SK Dianne’s removal, it is clearly stated in 2001 Sangguniang Kabataan Constitution and By-Laws that you are authorized to do so but as member of your federation only and provided, reasonable ground exists.  Let us remind you that, in administrative cases, only substantial evidence is required.  However, the removal from public office of an elective official must be by proper court order .

In exercising your quasi-judicial power, please be reminded that you have to act as a collegial body to determine whether probable cause exists based on evidence presented.  Your Federation’s SK CBL or the SK 2001 SK CBL will answer whether or not the penalty of removal (from the federation only) is appropriate.  The legality therefore, of your act will be guided by existing CBL.

We hope that we have properly addressed your concerns.

Very truly yours,


Regional Director

   In order to promote and inform the public of the Department of the Interior and Local Government’s current projects and programs, DILG-R3 Regional Director Florida M. Dijan guested on the January 8, 2014 Episode of “TalakayanNgayon” at DWRW-FM 95.1. RD Dijan shared the BEST Program Outcomes of the Department which stands for Business Friendly and Competitive LGUs, Environment-Protective, Climate Change adaptive and Disaster Resilient LGUs, Socially-Protective and Safe LGUs and Transparent, Accountable, Participative and Effective Local Governance (B.E.S.T).





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