DILG Bulacan spearheaded the 2019 and 2020 Anti-Drug Abuse Council (ADAC) Performance Audit and ADAC-Functionality Monitoring System (FMS) Provincial Orientation for the Local Government Units (LGUs) on April 28, 2021 via Zoom Teleconferencing.
ADAC Performance Audit and Awards assesses the functionality of C/MADACs in the areas of: (1) Organization of local ADAC; (2) Allocation of funds for the implementation of anti-drug activities as indicated in the POPS Plan; (3) Implementation of Plans and Programs indicated in the POPS Plan; (4) Financial and Technical Support to Component BADACs; (5) Conduct of Meetings; and (6) Innovations.
PD Darwin David, on his opening remarks, reminded the participants that the mandate of the C/MADACs shall continue despite the challenges faced by the council. He emphasized the importance of a strengthened ADAC in empowering their constituents in defeating the issue of illegal drugs since this problem chooses no time and opportunity to affect individuals.
LGOO II Gerald Cabarles Jr., discussed the indicator references and provided a hands-on simulation on the ADAC-FMS that will be used by the C/MADACs for document uploading and auditing. The participants were apprised on the crucial difference of the Performance Audit for 2019 and 2020; accordingly, there were adjustments on the criteria for the latter year as the pandemic has affected the functionality of the local councils such as the realignment of funds and timeliness of implementation of activities.
The activity was attended by LGU ADAC Focal Persons, LGU encoders, City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officers, and DILG Bulacan Provincial Audit Team (PAT). The orientation served as a platform for discussion on the guidelines of the upcoming performance audit such as the revised functionality indicators for two audit years, Modes of Verifications (MOVs) required, and timeline of its implementation.