Newly-appointed SK Secretaries and SK Treasurers from the city and municipalities of Bataan completed the SK Mandatory Training (SKMT) at Lou-is Resort and Restaurant, City of Balanga which was conducted in two batches on May 9-10, 2019.
SK Officials who were not able to undergo the SKMT last May 2018 also participated on the said activity.
In compliance to Republic Act No. 10742 or the SK Reform Law, SKMT was held to further develop the competence of the SK officials to perform their respective powers and functions as public servants.
DILG Bataan lead the conduct of the SKMT, in partnership with the Bataan Peninsula State University and the SK Provincial Management Team.
The activity covered five topics namely (1) Decentralization and Local Governance, (2) SK History and Salient Features, (3) Meetings and Resolutions, (4) Code of Conduct and Ethical Standard for Public Officers and (5) Planning and Budgeting and was facilitated by resource speakers from DILG Bataan and BPSU.