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- Category: Frontline Services
- Hits: 56319
Issuance of DILG Indorsement for Nomination to Scholarship Grants
Client: Local Government Officials and Employees.
- Resume (with 2X2 recent picture)
- Transcript of Records (certified true copy of BS Degree and MS, if any)
- Diploma (certified true copy)
- List of Trainings/Seminars Attended
- Updated Service Record
- Certified Actual duties and Responsibilities
- Performance Ratings for the last two (2) rating periods (January to June and July to December—certified true copy)
- Certificate of No Pending Nomination in Local and/or Foreign Scholarship Programs
- Certificate of No Pending Administrative and Criminal Case
- Certificate of No Cervice Obligation from Local and/or Foreign Scholarship Program
- Local Chief Executive’s Indorsement
Procedures: 5 steps
- Receive and record documents by the Records Section.
- Route to Technical services Division (TSD) for appropriate action.
- Evaluation, processing and preparation of indorsement by the TSD.
- Route to Office of the Regional Director (ORD) for signature by the Regional Director.
- Releasing of Indorsement to Central Office or Local Government Academy (LGA) for appropriate action.
Estimate Total of Servicing Time: 37 minutes
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- Category: Frontline Services
- Hits: 59121
Section 393 (b) (5) of R.A. No. 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 provides for the grant of appropriate civil service eligibility to certain barangay officials on the basis of the number of years to the barangay
1. Properly accomplished CS Form 101-E
2. Three (3) pieces of identical, recent I.D. pictures with following applications:
- Passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm)
- In white background
- Printed in quality photo paper
- Showing right and left ears
- In bare face (without eye glasses/colored contact lens/any facial accessory;facial feature not computer-enhanced)
- In standard close-up shot(from shoulder level up with head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at approximately 1” below the chin)
- With handheld and written (no computerized,), and legible name tag showing signature over complete printed name in the format First Name Middle Initial Last Name Extention Name
3. Original and photocopy of any of the following I.D. cards, which must be valid (not expired) upon filling of applications, and bears the applicant’s name, picture and signature, and the issuing of officer’s name and signature (NOTE: Any other I.D. card NOT included in the list shall NOT be accepted. Circle the I.D. card/s submitted by the applicant):
• Office/Company/School I.D. (NOTE: School I.D. must be duly validated for the current school year)
- PRC License
- SSS I.D.
- Postal I.D.
- BIR I.D. (ATM/card with picture type)
- Voter’s I.D.
- PhilHealth I.D.
- Passport ( with signature of the applicant)
- Police clearance (with picture)
- Driver’s License
- Barangay I.D.
4. Original and photocopy of the applicant’s valid (not expired) NBI Clearance(NOTE: This is separate from and on top of the requirements for valid I.D. card)
5. Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate of the applicant authenticate/issued by the NSO (NOTE: In case the NSO Birth Certificate is not legible, the applicant shall, in addition, submit the original and photocopy of his/her Birth Certificate authenticated/issued by the Local Civil Registrar. )
6. For female married applicants, original and photocopy of Married Certificate authenticate/issued by the NSO (NOTE: In case the NSO Marriage Certificate is not legible, the applicant shall, in addition, submit the original and photocopy of his/her Marriage Certificate authenticated/issued by the Local Civil Registrar. )
7. If filling of application is through representative:
- Authorization letter executed by the applicant; and
- Original and photocopy of one (1) valid I.D card of representative.
B. Checklist of SPECIFIC REQUIRMENTS : Barangay Officials Eligibility
8. Certification from authorized DILG at the municipal, city, provincial or the regional level of services rendered by the barangay official, using the prescribed CSC-ERPO BOE Form no. 1
9. Certification from the Barangay Chairman on the services rendered by the barangay officials
10. Duly signed oath-taking certificate or other proofs of having been duly elected or appointed such as election returns and appointment papers
11. Notarized Affidavit stating that the barangay official did not employ in the government during his/her term of office, service requirements, and that he/she did not receive any form of salary/compensation/emolument, except honorarium for holding a position in an ex-officio capacity, during his/her term of office or services requirements
12. Original/Authenticated and dry-sealed Master List of Elected/Appointed Barangay Officials issued by the DILG (agency to agency concern; to be submitted by the DILG to CSCRO)
13. Authenticated copy of payroll for the payment of honoraria from the city/municipality, if applicable (agency to agency concern; to be submitted by the city/municipality to CSCRO)
14. Other documents as may be deemed necessary by the CSC Regional Office in verifying authenticity of information supplied by the barangay official
Rules in Granting CSC Eligibility
Section 1 – Rules governing the granting of eligibility to Sangguniang Barangay Officials
Section 2 – The CSC eligibility granted under this rule shall be referred to as Barangay Officials Eligibility
Section 3 – Scope. It shall be granted to the Punong Barangay, Barangay Kagawads and SK Chairmen, who were elected in 1992 elections, and to Barangay Treasurer, Barangay Secretary who were appointed by duly elected Punong Barangay provided they have rendered the number of years to the barangay.
- Details
- Category: Frontline Services
- Hits: 33935
DILG Memorandum Circular Nos. 2000-27, 2001-52, e2006-22 and 2006-163 set forth the rules and regulations governing the foreign travel of local government officials and employees. These rules and regulations are issued with the view to further promote efficiency in the performance or delivery of Departmental functions and services through the simplication of procedure in the processing and approval of a request for a foreigh travel authority, support the overall efforts of the government in conserving scarce public funds, particularly the country’s dollar reserves, and to ensure that any foreign trip, particularly when it involves the use of government funds, is beneficial to the country.
Foreign travel of all elective and appointive local government officials and employees, whether official or unofficial, shall be covered by these rules and regulations.