The DILG Aurora successfully secures partnership and future convergence with fifteen (15) different organizations including Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Local Resource Institute, National Government Agencies, and Local Government Organizations through the Signing of a Memorandum of Partnership Agreement (MOPA) on September 6, 2024 at AMCO Beach Resort, Baler, Aurora.

The signing of the MOPA officially reorganized the Multi-Stakeholders Advisory Committee (MSAC) of DILG Aurora’s Local Governance Resource Center (LGRC): Tambuli. This reorganization brings forth a wider network of service providers with diverse perspectives and expertise which in turn expands the Tambuli’s horizon in terms of developing capacity building programs and accessible knowledge products that will cater to the learning needs of LGUs in different aspects of governance.
During her discussion, LGOO VI Hannah Marie A. Dizon, LGRC Public Education, Administrative and Legal Services Facility Manager, underscored the extent of future collaborations and provided ways in which the stakeholders could concretely collaborate on programs and activities.

Under the guidance of the expanded MSAC, the DILG Aurora commits to spearhead sustainable innovations that will continually upscale local governance, operational efficiency, and leadership quality in the province.

Learn More:
• Multi-Stakeholders Advisory Committee
• Local Governance Resource Center