DILG -3 Regional Director Florida Dijan participated in the organizational meeting of the Regional Development Council 3 (RDC) Pampanga River Basin Committee (PRBC) on April 24, 2012 at Holiday Inn, Clarkfield, Pampanga.   

The PRBC is a special committee of RDC 3 which shall primarily take charge of the implementation of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) strategy in the Pampanga River Basin and the premier coordinating body that shall exercise advisory, guidance, education and monitoring functions for the Basin’s management and development. 

DILG Region 3, with the assistance of the Local Government Academy, assessed Knowledge Management (KM) practices of its LGRRC stakeholders through the conduct of the KM External Audit held on March 27, 2012 at DILG Region III Conference Room, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.  The activity was participated in by representatives from BFP, PNP, NEDA, DTI, DENR, DepEd, CSC, LGUs and State University and Colleges (SUCs).  Said participants were identified as major service providers along the areas of governance based on the LGPMS which are administrative, social, economic, and environmental governance.

RD Florida M. Dijan received a Plaque of Recognition from the Municipality of Minalin, Pampanga on March 22, 2012 in honor of her contributions as a servant leader and an outstanding representation of women in public service.  The plaque was awarded by Mayor Arturo L. Naguit on the occasion of the municipality’s commemoration of the International Women’s Month with the theme, “Women Weathering Climate Change: Governance and Accountability, Everyone’s Responsibility”.  Also recognized were Lady Punong Barangays as well as other women of Minalin who excelled in their professions.  

The municipality conducted said awarding by virtue of Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. 2012-14 entitled, “Giving Recognition to Women in the Community with Various Contributions in Local Governance.”

RD Dijan, in her message, commended the efforts of Mayor Naguit for being an SGH recipient which is a manifestation of the values of transparency and accountability towards achieving better local governance in Minalin.

RD Dijan likewise visited the Sangguniang Bayan’s Office of Minalin to know the status of implementation of the Sanggunian Information System (SIS) installed by DILG in February of this year.  


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