22 March 2012

Punong Barangay
Gordon Heights
Olongapo City

Dear PB Madria,

This has reference to your letter seeking legal opinion concerning the four administrative positions you created.

We will address all the issues raised in one discussion as they are interrelated.  The answer on one issue will definitely give clarification as to the legality of the other issues. The issues you have raised are summed up as follows:

  1. Whether or not a Punong Barangay may create positions without the concurrence of an ordinance enacted by the Barangay Sanggunian;
  2. Whether or not the created positions by the Punong Barangay may be abolished lawfully by the actions of the Sanggunian Barangay.

With regard to the first issue, this level would like to point out the powers, duties and functions of a Punong Barangay as expressly pronounced by the Local Government Code specifically section 389. The Punong Barangay as the Local Chief Executive in the Barangay Level has the power and duty to enforce all laws and ordinances which are applicable within the barangay and to promote the general welfare of the barangay. The sangguniang barangay, on the other hand, is the legislative body of the barangay with the Punong Barangay as its presiding officer. As its presiding officer, the Punong Barangay cannot vote on any legislative question except only for the purpose of breaking a tie.  The action of the majority of all the members binds the punong barangay. All that remains for him to do is sign and implement the ordinances. The same rule applies to barangay resolution. (Legal Dessection, DILG, Region XI, Third Edition, p31. Neither can he veto barangay ordinances; the LGC does not confer to him such power.  As such, the Punong Barangay is not empowered to create positions without having conflict with the powers of the sanggunian. The power to legislate in the barangay level is expressly bestowed with the sanggunian. Hence, the creation of a new office is within the powers of the barangay, provided, that the sanggunian barangay must first pass the appropriate ordinance creating such office before the item is therefore incorporated in the annual budget. Therefore, with the above premises considered, a Punong Barangay may not create positions without the concurrence of an ordinance enacted by the Barangay Sanggunian.

Anent the second issue, we opine in the affirmative. The creation of a new position, as already discussed above, is within the authority of the Barangay Sanggunian with the passing of an ordinance sanctioning the same. It is not within the express powers of the Punong Barangay to create a new position in the said Local Government Unit. The creation of such positions without the concurrence of an ordinance by the sanggunian is contrary to the proper interpretation of the law

For SK Chairperson to be removed, a proper complaint must be filed before the Office of the President of the SK Federation of the place where the respondent is.  With respect to the prayer for SK Dianne’s removal, it is clearly stated in 2001 Sangguniang Kabataan Constitution and By-Laws that you are authorized to do so but as member of your federation only and provided, reasonable ground exists.  Let us remind you that, in administrative cases, only substantial evidence is required.  However, the removal from public office of an elective official must be by proper court order .

In exercising your quasi-judicial power, please be reminded that you have to act as a collegial body to determine whether probable cause exists based on evidence presented.  Your Federation’s SK CBL or the SK 2001 SK CBL will answer whether or not the penalty of removal (from the federation only) is appropriate.  The legality therefore, of your act will be guided by existing CBL.

We hope that we have properly addressed your concerns.

Very truly yours,


Regional Director





01 March 2012

Hon. Melanio R. Pronto
Hon. Wilson P. Pamintuan
Sangguniang Barangay Members
Brgy. Sta. Lucia, Magalang, Pampanga

Dear Messrs. Pronto & Pamintuan,

This has reference to your letter requesting our legal action on matters raised therein.

The first issue may well be treated by rendering legal opinion on the issue of the legality of appointment of a brother-in-law of the Punong Barangay as your Barangay Secretary.

As clearly mandated by the Local Government Code of 1991, such appointment is prohibited.  Hence, the appointment is void ab initio.  However, before an appointment must be issued by the Punong Barangay, the concurrence of the Sangguniang Barangay Members must be obtained first.  The purpose of obtaining the concurrence of the August Body is to determine whether or not the recommended person is qualified.  This is the sole function of the Sangguniang Barangay in the appointing process.

Be that as it may, whether such appointment garnered the concurrence of your August Body, is of no moment considering that the appointment is prohibited by law and as such is void.  The person who appointed and even those who might have concurred to such appointment may be criminally charged for Unlawful Appointment punishable under Art. 244 of the Revised Penal Code and is even susceptible to administrative liability.
With regard to the other request, we deem it proper to refer the same to our Provincial Director and MLGOO to investigate on that concern.

We hope to have enlightened you on this matter. 

Very truly yours,

Regional Director

Copy Furnished:

ATTY. JESUS B. DOQUE, IV                    PD ANGELINA S. BLANCO   
Director-Legal Service (DILG Central)        Provincial Director-DILG Pampanga

MLGOO Marites C. Miranda            Hon. Ferdinand O. Sotto
DILG Magalang, Pampanga            Punong Barangay-Sta. Lucia


21 February 2012

Punong Barangay
Barangay Balibago
Angeles City

Dear PB Mamac,

This pertains to your letter seeking our legal opinion on the following issues:

  1. Whether or not is within the power of a city council, in the exercise of its legislative power, to adopt a local ordinance regulating the imposition of fees imposed by a Barangay Council?
  2. May we also be enlightened to the proper interpretation of Section 66 of RA 7160, “Form and Notice of Decision”, whether or not the “decision”so contemplated by the said provision is in the form of a document entitled a “decision” or can perhaps be substituted to a “resolution” and whether or not said decision requires an affirmative signature of the majority of the members concurring or a mere approval of the Presiding Officer attested by the secretary of the city council.

Anent the first issue, an examination of Section 57 of the Local Government Code is indispensable, which reads:

“Sec. 57.  Review of Barangay Ordinance by the Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang Bayan – (a) Within ten (10) days after its enactment, the Sangguniang Barangay shall furnish copies of all barangay ordinances to the Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang Bayan concerned for review as to whether the ordinance is consistent with law and city or municipal ordinance.”

It can be gleaned from the foregoing provision that is does not expressly vest upon the Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang Bayan authority to adopt a local ordinance regulating the imposition of fees imposed by Barangay Council; the limitations are already stated in the Local Government Code itself.

Thus, the reviewing function of the sangguniang concerned does not carry with it the authority to adopt ordinance or resolution forwarded before it.  Neither is the reviewing sanggunian given authority to replace the content of the said Ordinance.

In Legal Opinion No. 182, series of 1994 and DILG Opinion No.64, series of 1995, this Department opined that barangay ordinances are subject to review by the city or municipal councils and not the other way around.  To say otherwise would defeat the supervisory authority of municipalities and cities over its component barangays. 

The supervisory authority of the higher sanggunian does not carry with it the authority to control lower sanggunian.  Thus, we rule in the negative.

Along this line, Section 17 of the LGC provides for the devolved functions of basic services a barangay should deliver.  Important to note is the last paragraph of Section 17 which empowers LGUs to raise revenue by imposing reasonable fee to cover cost of the delivery of basic services or facilities enumerated therein.  In DILG Opinion 26, series of 2012, if services are being rendered by a barangay, then it can impose reasonable fees pursuant to Sec. 153 of the LGC. 

In your second query, we defer to render opinion on that matter considering that same issue was included in your Memorandum of Appeal already filed before the Office of the President.  Rendering an opinion regarding that matter would be violative of the sub judice rule.

This is without prejudice to any other opinion of higher authorities.

We hope that we have properly addressed your concerns.               

Very truly yours,

Regional Director

Copy Furnished:

Ms. Myrvi M. Apostol-Fabia
City Director
DILG Angeles City