The year 2022 is a year of renewal. Just like a Phoenix rising from the ashes of its previous life, it was a year of hope for better things to come. From the pain, difficulties and challenges bought about by the Covid-19 pandemic which adversely affected all individuals in all corners of the world regardless of race, status and wealth, we have become stronger and more resilient after being tempered by such difficult time and taxing circumstances. As we start to do away with our gloves, mask, disinfectant and alcohol laden kits and open our homes and offices and personally meet with friends, clients and visitors with smiles and handshakes, we begin to appreciate more the simple things which we have missed during pandemic such as the warmth of personal physical interaction and the joy of public discourse and festivities.
As public servants adapting to the new normal, we are mandated to provide not only the required high standard of public service but as well as to live as just and upright members of society, a source of pride and joy for the institution we represent, battling misinformation and fake news and capable of drawing respect and maintaining public trust and confidence especially during times of emergency and crises.
As we reflect and thank the Lord for the life and the opportunity to be with our family, friends and colleagues, we also remember and pray for the loved ones and friends who are no longer with us and recognize and honor those in the public service who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of our country. We now step toward the future more prepared and confident because of their sacrifices - learning from them that daunting the challenges, we can overcome and persevere.
Let us all remember that it’s the trying times that makes us stronger!