In the preparation for the upcoming 2020 Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) Assessment, Cities and Municipalities of Bulacan conducted their 2019 SGLG Exit Conferences in coordination with the DILG Bulacan Provincial Office.
The Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) puts primacy to integrity and good performance as pillars of meaningful local autonomy and development. It is a progressive assessment system that gives distinction to remarkable local government performance across several areas.
Thus, the local government units of Bulacan conducted Exit Conferences, in preparation for the upcoming 2020 SGLG Assessment.
Through this, Governance Assessment Reports were presented and discussed to evaluate the LGUs' previous performance based from the given set of indicators. Lastly, plan of actions and strategies were identified in anticipation for the challenge of 2020 SGLG Assessment.