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To prepare and assist local government units in the Province of Bulacan in the upcoming on-site assessments, the DILG Bulacan Provincial Office spearheaded an Orientation on the CY 2022 Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) last March 24 and 25, 2022 through virtual conference.

For this year, the assessment will focus on Financial Administration; Disaster Preparedness; Social Protection; Health Compliance and Responsiveness; Programs for Suitable Education; Business Friendliness and Competitiveness; Peace and Order; Environmental Management; Tourism, and; Youth Development as institutionalized by RA 11292.

The Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG), being a progressive assessment system that gives distinction to remarkable local government performance across several areas, puts primacy on integrity and good performance to institutionalize local governance reforms in the continuing pursuit for meaningful local autonomy and development.

Hence, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department unceasingly inspires LGUs to continuously progress and improve their performance along various governance areas.

The activity was attended by the department heads and personnel of LGUs such as Local Administrators, Local Finance Committee members, Local Planning and Development Coordinators, and LGU-SGLG technical working groups. Present also are DILG Field Officers of the 24 cities and municipalities of Bulacan Province.





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