The DILG Bataan Locally-Funded Projects (LFP) Unit conducted a thorough inspection of the two infrastructure projects in the Municipality of Limay on July 16, 2024.
The projects inspected were:
- Construction of Multi-Purpose Building in Barangay Reformista, Limay (100% complete)
- Construction of Multi-Purpose Building in Barangay Duale, Limay (100% complete)

MLGOO Jomar Cruz, along with the LFP Unit, discussed the findings and reviewed the necessary documentation for each project. LGU SubayBAYAN Focal Person Marivic Santos also participated in the activity.

These infrastructure projects were made possible through the Local Government Support Fund - Financial Assistance to Local Government Units (LGSF-FALGU) for F.Y. 2023, demonstrating the government’s commitment to enhancing local facilities and services in Limay.