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Zoom fatigues are experienced by a lot of people during online meetings. But there are also fun ways to make our e-meetings less draining and more enjoyable.

Here are our tips how we can elevate the way we do online meetings:

1. Use interactive features
The best meetings are the ones that make the participants feel they are involved. Thus, it is important that we take advantage of the various features of video conferencing applications. For example, facilitators can use Zoom reactions to play "Rock, Papers, Scissors" by assigning the emojis; say, the clapping icon for paper, the thumbs up for rock, and for scissors, attendees should cross arms in an x shape.

2. Break the ice
In virtual meetings, giving a few minutes for icebreakers is helpful to make the participants feel safe to speak up with ideas, concerns, and questions. A simple thought-provoking question before the meeting can get everyone talking from the get-go and create a safe, trusting space for discussion. Moreover, it will also be of great help to offer icebreakers in between discussions to keep everyone's attention and enjoy so-called "interludes" before diving into another topic.

3. Jazz up the presentations
Keeping your slideshows crisp and catchy will never fail you as a presenter. Believe us when we say that a boring presentation will result into less interaction from your audience. Let us not forget that virtual meetings are a visual medium, so using visual aids can help demonstrate ideas to the attendees and encourage them to focus on the meeting agenda instead of online shopping or scrolling through Facebook.

4. Collate and collaborate
Another way to engage the meeting participants is to keep them busy with meeting-related tasks. For an instance, the facilitator can assign a documenter, a note-taker, a secondary host, a synthesizer, a timekeeper, or a moderator that will be available throughout the meeting. Also under this category is striking the balance between talking and listening. According to experts, the facilitator should speak no more than 70% of the meeting and allow the remainder of the time for coworkers to respond and participate.

5. Keep meetings short and on-task
This is probably the most underrated practice during virtual meetings. The Harvard Business Review notes that meetings that drag out longer than 45 minutes struggle to hold attendee's attention. In cases such as a seven-hour meeting, it is imperative for the facilitator the set a meeting agenda, allot a time to each topic, and watch the clock to avoid extension beyond the program of activities.


PD Yen3