In pursuit of a collaborative environment that can harness different perspectives and profound expertise in different facets of governance, the DILG Aurora, as the Lead Agency of the Provincial Multi-Stakeholders Advisory Committee (MSAC) of the Local Governance Resource Center (LGRC), convened the committee on June 27, 2024 via Zoom Platform.

PD Ener P. Cambronero shared the significance of formalizing such a partnership between all the local stakeholders to create a culture of knowledge sharing and strengthen their foundation for further collaboration.
The activity shed light on the significance of the LGRC and its components to both existing and potential new members of MSAC. The proposed Memorandum of Partnership Agreement was also presented to introduce the envisioned roles and responsibilities of the members, particularly in continually upscaling the local governance and operations and quality of leaderships by filling the gaps in information/learning needs of the province.
Moreover, the results of the learning needs analysis (LNA) of local governance of the 151 Barangays in the Province of Aurora was presented. The analysis pinpoints the underlying causes of the performance gaps and the areas of convergence that will require the expertise and commitment of the MSAC Members.
The committee meeting was attended by current and new potential members of the MSAC, including representatives from other National Government Agencies, Local Leagues, a Local Resource Institute, and Civil Society Organizations.