The DILG Nueva Ecija Provincial Office, through the leadership of Provincial Director Renato G. Bernardino, conducted an orientation on the implementation of C.Y. 2022 Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) Assessment on March 24, 2022 thru Zoom online video teleconferencing. The activity was participated in by the concerned LGU functionaries of the provincial government and all its component cities and municipalities.
The orientation was conducted by the Provincial Office to apprise the LGUs of the C.Y. 2022 SGLG assessment criteria which are expanded from seven (7) to ten (10) governance areas, namely: Financial Administration and Sustainability, Disaster Preparedness, Social Protection and Sensitivity, Health Compliance and Responsiveness, Sustainable Education, Business-Friendliness and Competitiveness, Safety, Peace and Order, Environmental Management, Tourism, Heritage Development, Culture and Arts, and Youth Development.
The above-mentioned governance areas and their corresponding indicators were presented and thoroughly discussed by the DILG Nueva Ecija SGLG Team. Financial Administration and Sustainability and Business-Friendliness and Competitiveness was discussed by Program Manager and LGOO VI Alfa Krista C. Reyes. Disaster Preparedness and Youth Development, on the other hand, was discussed by LGOO II Kristian Rob D. Santiago. Social Protection and Sensitivity and Tourism, Heritage Development, Culture and Arts was tasked to LGOO III Donnabel E. Estipular. Health Compliance and Responsiveness, Sustainable Education and Environmental Management was explained by LGOO V Vivorey S. Lapitan. Lastly, Safety, Peace and Order was discussed by Cluster I Team Leader and LGOO VII Danilo C. Rillera. Concluding the presentations was Program Manager Reyes who explained how to accomplish the SGLG forms.
The Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG), being a progressive assessment system that gives distinction to remarkable local government performance across several areas, highlights integrity and good performance to institutionalize local governance reforms in the continuing pursuit for meaningful local autonomy and development.