Notice to bid for the Conduct of the BNEO for GREAT Barangays Program Barangay Agenda and Development for the first 100 days (July 6, 2018)
06 July 2018 |
Hits: 1062
Notice to Bid for BNEO Great Barangays Program Brgy. Agenda and Development for the first 100 days
06 July 2018 |
Hits: 1201
Notice to Bid for the conduct of Barangay Newly-Elected Officials Towards Grassroots Renewal and Empowerment for Accountable and Transparent (GREAT) Barangay Program
06 July 2018 |
Hits: 1241
Notice to Bid for the conduct of BNEO for GREAT Barangays (BAGAD) for the First 100 Days (July 06, 2018)
06 July 2018 |
Hits: 1259
Notice to Bid for Conduct of Barangay Agenda for Governance and Development (BAGAD)
05 July 2018 |
Hits: 3438
Notice to Bid for BNEO for Great Barangays Program
04 July 2018 |
Hits: 1311
Notice to Bid for the conduct of Basic Orientation on BNEO for GREAT Barangays Program Barangay Agenda for Governance and Development (BAGAD) for the FIrst 100 days
03 July 2018 |
Hits: 1536
Meals and Snacks to be served during BAGAD for 1st 100 days orientation workshop
03 July 2018 |
Hits: 1253
Notice to bid for the Conduct of the BNEO for GREAT Barangays Program Barangay Agenda and Development for the first 100 days (July 02, 2018)
02 July 2018 |
Hits: 1212
Notice to Bid for Enhancing LGUs Capacity on Planning and Implementation of Local Development Projects
02 July 2018 |
Hits: 1222