22 LGOOs II in the region participate in the 50th Batch E-Learning Module
On May 23, 2016, the Local Government Academy started the 26-day e-learning sessions for LGOO trainees relative to the 50th Batch Local Government Operations Officers' Training nationwide. The on-line training phase of the Technical Training is part of the Enhancement Training Program for the LGOOs administered by the Academy and facilitated by trained e-coaches composed of senior DILG Officers. For this component, the modules to be included are: (1) the DILG PPAs: Leading for Development; and (2) Dynamics of Local Governance. After hurdling the e-learning modules, successful trainees will then proceed to the Face-to-Face component of the Enhancement Training Program.
Twenty-two (22) LGOOs II from Central Luzon are participating in the said on-line sessions. Each trainee was given an account to access the LGOO platform developed by STRATA. In order to ensure that the trainees will focus their efforts and time in the said program, the Regional Training Management decided to gather all the trainees at the Regional Office for the entire e-learning duration. As such, all the trainees shall undergo regular reveille, study groups, and on-line sessions with their respective coaches. Aside from the necessary sets of knowledge and skills to be gained by the trainees in this component, this move will instill proper attitude and desirable values to prepare the trainees to assume the roles and responsibilities of higher LGOO positions.