RD Florida Dijan emphasizes the importance of working as a team
DILG Region 3, thru its Capability Development Division (CDD), organized a One-Day Orientation for Newly Hired Organic Personnel on April 24, 2015 at DILG Regional Office, Conference Room, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.
The training was aimed to provide the participants with appreciationp on DILG major programs, activities and projects (PAPs) and basic skills on Google Cloud application in DILG reporting system as well as the proper attitude and desirable values to enable them to perform their mandated functions efficiently and effectively. The training was attended by seventeen (17) Local Government Operations Officers II.
RD Florida M. Dijan advised the participants to always work as a team. She underscored that being in the DILG requires not only the knowledge but more importantly, the compassion and commitment in doing the tasks. She stated that for a DILG officer, attitude not aptitude determines his/her altitude. She further encouraged them to seek guidance from their supervisors and senior technical and administrative staff in the performance of their duties and functions towards accomplishing their assigned tasks.
Planning Officer III Miriam P. Gaviola, discussed DILG programs and projects for CY 2015 per approved Annual Operations Plan and Budget (AOPB) of the region based on the program outcomes of the Department coined as B.E.S.T. (Business Friendly and Competitive LGUs, Environment Protective, Climate Change Adaptive and Disaster Resilient LGUs, Socially Protective and Safe LGUs, and Transparent, Accountable, Participative and Effective Local Governance.
Detailed information on the major programs of the Capability Development Division and Monitoring and Evaluation Division were explained by LGOO V Ailyn D. Bondoc and LGOO VI Ener P. Cambronero, respectively. These included discussions on Bottom Up Budgeting (BuB): planning and projects (water, local access road, DRRM, other infrastructure projects), Performance Challenge Fund (PCF), Sagana at Ligtas na Tubig (SaLinTubig), Gender and Development (GAD), Ugnayan ng Barangay at Simbahan (UBAS), Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS), Full Disclosure Policy (FDP), Regional Peace and Order Council, Calamity Response Protocols, Operation LISTO, Katarungang Pambarangay and Solid Waste Management (SWM), among others.
For the Finance and Administrative Division (FAD), A.O. IV Maria Resa B. Pangilinan gave a briefing on the Strategic Performance Monitoring System (SPMS) where she stressed the need to regularly prepare and set targets and corresponding accomplishments for the Office Performance Commitment Report (OPCR), Division Performance Commitment Report (DPCR) and Individual Performance Commitment Report (IPCR).
An orientation on Google Cloud Computing was also given by ITO Melerie G. Pineda. She explained the process and benefits of using the application as a cloud tool for faster reporting and file sharing. She also discussed the DILG R-3 reporting and monitoring system framework specifically on how reports and different types of communications are being uploaded and shared through the use of Google Drive.
Towards the end of the activity, RD Florida Dijan led the distribution of Certificates of Attendance to the participants.