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Olongapo City-The Local Government Units, National Government Agencies, Civil Society Organizations, Business Sector, Religious Sector and Media formed the Convenors on July 21 to initiate a holistic fight against illegal drugs.

The Olongapo City Police Office spearheaded the formation of the Convenors during the cascading of "Project: Double Barrel," the anti-illegal drugs campaign plan of Philippine National Police.
"The PNP can't fight illegal drugs alone," said City Director Jerry T. Sumbad, Olongapo City Police Office. "We need the support of all the sectors of the community."
The multi-sectoral group agreed to nominate City Mayor Rolen C. Paulino as the chairman, DILG-Olongapo City Director Amada T. Dumagat as the vice-chairman, and Olongapo City Police as the secretariat of the Convenors.
Vice-Mayor Aquilino Y. Cortez Jr. led the Pledge of Commitment of the Convenors to communally and actively fight against illegal drugs.
"This problem (illegal drugs) is a problem of the community," said Vice-Mayor Cortez. "We will be successful if we work together. Let's make Olongapo City drug-free," he added.

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