
PAG-ASA Weather Update



RD Florida Dijan expresses thanks to the RPRAT members for continued support on BuB program implementation towards poverty reduction in Central Luzon. Also in photo is CDD Chief Jeffrey Manalastas.

The Regional Poverty Reduction Action Team (RPRAT) in Central Luzon convened for the 2015 year-end assessment of the Bottom-up Budgeting Program on December 16-18, 2015 at Subic Travelers Hotel & Events Center, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Olongapo City. RD Florida M. Dijan, DPA, CESO III, chair of the CL-RPRAT enjoined all member-NGAs, Provincial Planning and Development Officers, NAPC Provincial Focal Persons, DILG HUC/Provincial Focal Persons, Regional Coordinators and Community Mobilizers of the region to actively participate on the said assessment.

 The activity focused on the evaluation of actual status of Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015 project implementation, CSO assemblies and LPRAT workshops conducted in the preparation of the FY 2017 LPRAPs. Issues and concerns were discussed and measures were recommended to address such. F.Y. 2016 projects for implementation were also presented by the BuB participating agencies along with their respective internal guidelines and procedures.

National Government Agencies (NGAs) worked on the action planning for the F.Y. 2017 LPRAP review and validation to identify related activities that need to be conducted relative to the evaluation and clarification of the FY 2017 proposed projects of 130 LPRATs of this region.

The event was concluded with a Christmas Fellowship attended by all RPRAT members and guests. RD Dijan extended her heartfelt thanks to all RPRAT members for their continued support and cooperation in ensuring poverty reduction in Central Luzon through the BuB program.

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