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In the latest episode of "Umalohokan", DILG Bataan discussed the updated technical notes of FY 2022 Local Committee Against Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC) Functionality Assessment on July 27, 2022 via Zoom. At the outset Pd Herman delivered the opening remarks and shared the context why LCAT VAWC is significant in local governance.

 ADA IV Ayla Theresa Bugay explained the functionality indicators and updates on the technical notes of FY 2022 LCAT-VAWC Functionality Assessment.

ADA IV Joseph Castro reminded the LGU focal persons on the deadline of submission of documents for the said assessment and the timeline for FY 2022 Barangay VAW Desk Audit.
Attendees in the online activity was headed by PD Belina T. Herman, C/MLGOOs of the various LGUs, Program Manager and LGU LCAT-VAWC focal persons.

The LCAT-VAWC Functionality Assessment serves as basis for policy and capacity development to strengthen the capability of LGU in combating trafficking in persons (TIP) and eliminating violence against women and children.

The activity was concluded with a closing remarks by PM Allan Don Malonzo and encouraged the LGUs to sustain and improve their LCAT-VAWC performance.

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