
PAG-ASA Weather Update



DILG Regional Office III headed by Regional Director Julie J. Daquioag, through the LG Monitoring and Evaluation Division (LGMED) in collaboration with Regional Information and Communications Technology Unity (RICTU) spearheaded the Roll-Out Training on the Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives and Awards (LTIA) Information System to DILG Provincial and Highly Urbanized City Offices on March 10, 2021 via Zoom Online Meetings.

 LTIA-Information System Web Portal is designed to eliminate all the common problems of manual system by automatically validating the inputted data to avoid inconsistency, promote accuracy, and ensure unified and standardized format of outputs.

In order to cascade the features and functions of the system to the DILG Field Officers, the Cluster Team Leaders, Program Managers, Provincial/ HUC Focal Persons, and Designated IT Officers, were engaged to a refresher of the guidelines followed by the System Demonstration in order to familiarize themselves on the system.

LTIA is known in recognizing outstanding Lupong Tagapamayapa that adequately demonstrate the ability to judiciously and expeditiously resolve cases referred to them and demonstrates exemplary performance and commendable contributions in the promotion of Katarungang Pambarangay.

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