RD Dijan and RO-3 Team attend Assembly Day in Showcase Barangay
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- Written by DILG MED
- Category: Transparent, Accountable, Participative and Effective Local Governance
- Hits: 3055
DILG-3 Regional Director Florida M. Dijan together with Assistant Regional Director Abraham A. Pascua and other Regional Office personnel attended Barangay Assembly Day of San Pascual, Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija on October 14, 2012. San Pascual is Region 3’s showcase barangay this semester.
Read more: RD Dijan and RO-3 Team attend Assembly Day in Showcase Barangay
Barangays to conduct Assembly Day on October 14, 2012
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- Written by Miriam Gaviola
- Category: Transparent, Accountable, Participative and Effective Local Governance
- Hits: 2804
Proclamation No. 260, dated September 30, 2011, issued by President Benigno S. Aquino III, declares that the last Saturday of March and the second Sunday of October 2011, and every year thereafter as Barangay Assembly Days.
This year, the Barangay Assembly Day for the second semester of CY 2012 is set on October 14, 2012 as stated in Memorandum Circular No. 2012-156, dated September 18, 2012, issued by Executive Secretary and OIC DILG Secretary Paquito N. Ochoa, Jr.
Read more: Barangays to conduct Assembly Day on October 14, 2012
DILG R-3 Conducts GO-FAR Team Trainer’s Training
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- Written by Miriam Gaviola
- Category: Transparent, Accountable, Participative and Effective Local Governance
- Hits: 2659
The Department of the Interior and Local Government Region III conducted a Trainers’ Training of the Good Practices in Local Governance: Facility for Adaptation and Replication (GO-FAR) on September 19-20, 2012 at the DILG Regional Office III Conference Room.