

An active discussion took place today, November 7, 2024 in the activity entitled, "DILG Family Interfacing for 2024 Peace and Order Councils (POC) Performance Audit Development Indicators"of the DILG Bulacan family led by PD Myrvi Apostol-Fabia, PNP Bulacan led by PCol Satur L Ediong and BFP Bulacan led by FSSUPT Ernesto S Pagdanganan. The focus of the discussion dwelled with the data and initiatives of the said agencies in relation to Peace and Order Council (POC) Performance Audit indicators, particularly regarding crime, road and fire-related incidents in the province.

Also, included in the objective carried out in the said activity is the discussion of the interventions and recommended PPAs of the Department that can be incorporated in the formulation of the POPS Plan of the local government units (LGUs), alongside with the presentation of the indicators that will be used in determining the best performing Peace and Order Councils (POCs) in the province.

This initiative is an avenue used by the DILG Bulacan family in order to strengthen peace, order, and public safety in each community — as a collective goal of achieving long term peace and security across the province.