DILG Compliance with Sec. 93 (Transparency Seal) R.A. No. 10352 (General Appropriations Act FY 2013)
I. The agency's mandate and functions, names of its officials with their positions and designation, and contact information
a. Powers and Functions
b. Vision, Mission and Goals
c. Key Officials
II. Annual Report
a. Statement of Allotment, Obligation and Balances
b. Disbursement and Income
c. Physical Plan
d. Financial Plan
e. Monthly Cash Program
III. DILG approved budgets and corresponding targets
a. Approved Budgets
b. Corresponding Targets
IV. Major programs and projects categorized in accordance with the five key results areas under E.O. No. 43, s. 2011
V. The program/project beneficiaries as identified in the applicable special provisions
VI. Status of implementation and program/project evaluation and/or assessment reports
VII. Annual Procurement Plan (APP)
VIII. Contracts awarded and the name of contractors/suppliers/consultants
DILG R-3 List of 2012 SALN Compliant