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In line with the Guidelines on the Implementation of the 2019 Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) Performance Audit and Awards and the 2021 Barangay Peace and Order Council (BPOC) Functionality Audit, the DILG Provincial Office of Bulacan spearheaded the conduct of the Provincial Orientation on BADAC and BPOC Functionality Audits on June 1, 2021 (1:00 PM) via Zoom platform.

The Municipality of San Ildefonso conducted a Ground Breaking Ceremony for the New Municipal Complex and Construction of Multi-Purpose Building/Evacuation Facility located at Barangay Anyatam last May 28, 2020.

DILG Bulacan spearheaded the 2019 and 2020 Anti-Drug Abuse Council (ADAC) Performance Audit and ADAC-Functionality Monitoring System (FMS) Provincial Orientation for the Local Government Units (LGUs) on April 28, 2021 via Zoom Teleconferencing.

DILG Bulacan in partnership with the Provincial Government of Bulacan- Provincial Public Health Office conducted an Online Webinar Series titled “Engaging BHERTS For A Community’’ and “BHERTS in ACTION: Safeguarding the Community” of the via zoom online conference on April 26, 2021.





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