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   As part of the Local Government Academy’s (LGA) program in strengthening the Local Governance Regional Resource Center (LGRRC) in the regional and sub-regional levels, LGRRC-3 assessors composed of Dr. Jocel Mansueto, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences of Siquijor State College, LGOO V Benjamin S. Belarde of DILG Region 9, LGOO IV Rudith A. Roca of DILG Region 8 and LGOO II Lizbeth Jalimao of LGA conducted on-site assessment on November 18-19, 2014 at the LGRRC-3, DILG Regional Office, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

   Generally, the activity is aimed to assess the level of LGRRC-3 operations in the context of its guiding principles on Knowledge Management, Multi-stakeholdership, and Convergence and how it was sustained in the regional and sub-regional operations. Specifically, it is aimed to determine specific LGRRC-3 milestones and significant accomplishments for the period August 2013 – October 2014 to serve as vital inputs in the preparation of the LGRRC-3 assessment report.

  During the first day, the assessors oriented the LGRRC-3 core team members with the mechanics of the assessment. Four assessment forms, which mainly focused on knowledge creation, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization processes being employed in the region, were collectively answered by the team on a consensus approach. The responses were validated by the assessors based on available documents. LGRRC-3 significant accomplishments and initiatives were also presented by the team. OIC-ARD Abraham A. Pascua, LG

RRC-3 Manager, led the team’s facility heads and members in responding to the assessment interview as to the operations and sustainability of the center. 

   Also part of the activity is the assessors’ visit and assessment in DILG Nueva Ecija on the second day. The province is one of the functional sub-regional LGRCs in the region. LGOO VI Fortunato Abraham presented various KM products, activities, strategies and initiatives which are currently adopted by DILG Nueva Ecija. Further, OIC-ARD and Concurrent Nueva Ecija Provincial Director Abraham Pascua discussed the DRRM-CCA program implementation as best practice in the province, being a recipient of funding assistance on DRRM-CCA from Agencia Española de Coperación Internacional Para el Desarrollo (AECID)/Spanish Government.

   An assessment report will be prepared by the team of assessors as basis for future interventions and possible logistical support towards further enhancement and sustainability of the LGRRC.





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