

Around 1,200 barangay officials, Lupong Tagapamayapa members, Philippine National Police (PNP) personnel, and DILG officers gained fresh insights as they attended the first session of DILG Bataan’s Katarungang Pambarangay Community Awareness through Forum and Education (KP CAFÉ) via Zoom on November 19, 2024.







Atty. Ian Kenneth Lucero, Assistant Regional Director of DILG Region VII, served as the resource speaker, engaging participants in a casual discussion that resembled a coffee shop conversation. He tackled various scenarios, provisions of the Local Government Code, and Supreme Court rulings to explain the jurisdictional and procedural aspects of KP Law.


Meanwhile, DILG Bataan Provincial Director Belina T. Herman, CESO V, underscored in her message that KP CAFÉ is an initiative aimed at strengthening the barangay justice system. She encouraged participants to raise questions and actively participate to enhance their dispute-resolution skills.

“We are very much open to more innovations in KP and ultimately sustain our peace and order in Bataan. We have to take proactive actions again in preparation for the influx of more settlers in our province once the interlink bridge connecting Cavite and Bataan becomes operational in 2028,” PD Herman stated.

Much like the lingering aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the DILG Bataan team envisions hosting more enriching sessions of KP CAFÉ, focusing on topics such as the Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives Awards and innovative strategies to community dispute resolution.

#ProactiveBataan #KPCAFE #KatarungangPambarangay